20 Minute Takes

Jenny Yang & Refugee Resettlement

Christians for Social Action Season 5 Episode 8
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00:00 | 21:55

Please enjoy this encore presentation of this episode (originally aired on January 26, 2022).

Since the United States pulled out of Afghanistan in August 2021, 76,000 Afghan refugees have been brought to the United States for resettlement. On this episode of 20 Minute Takes, Nikki Toyama-Szeto chats with Jenny Yang, Vice President of Policy & Advocacy on Refugee Resettlement for World Relief on what it means to extend hospitality to (and receive hospitality from) refugees and displaced peoples in our communities.

You can find her on Twitter @JennyYangWR.

20 Minute Takes is a production of Christians for Social Action
Host: Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Produced by: David de Leon 
Music: Andre Henry

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